Newbreed Blog

You're not alone. Learn from other leaders that are serving in the trenches.

Read the latest thoughts from Ralph Moore

Ralph is a a veteran practitioner in disciple making and church multiplication, and one of NewBreed's key trainers and thought leaders.

The Jesus Movement

It was a tug-of-war between the Jesus People and the New Age Movement. Alex Absalom uncovers the roots of what would grow into a church planting movement by pulling stories from Ralph Moore. Dispelling Doubt and Disillusionment The story starts with doubt and disillusionment as our country turned away from the church as much as…
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Prayer is the Work

In my first year of planting, I had come out of the most difficult year of ministry in my young career. I learned how to give everything I had. I learned how to never give up. I learned when disappointed, I just needed to work harder.   This was the wrong advice given by well-meaning…
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Allowing them to Lead

The emerging generation will be inspired if they are given the opportunity to demonstrate leadership. It is a difficult transition for the older generation to relinquish control of how things happen. It means that changes will be instituted that make older adults uncomfortable at times. The strongest leaders will be those who can speak in…
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Antioch 2.0 and Hawaii

This is a response from John Honold to the three blogs regarding Paul and his time in the school of Tyrannus. My model church in the Book of Acts has been Antioch – a church that “evangelized” [Acts 11:21], “organized” [Acts 11:26], and “deputized” [Acts 13:2-3] with a result of the incredible spread of the…
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Is Social Media Making the Same Mistake as The Church?

Over the last few years, the American Church has been hemorrhaging people. With the advent of the internet and other cultural shifts, churches began seeing their main competition as the entertainment industry. Because their primary contact with the public was during the weekend service, many leaders lamented the rise in families’ choices when deciding what…
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Jesus and Loneliness

This article is an extract from Futureproof by Stephen McAlpine. In the book, Stephen examines secular narratives about purpose and authenticity, connectedness and progress, and compares them to the promises made by the Bible. He shows that the Bible offers a more satisfying, more realistic and more hopeful vision of the future. For all of…
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