
Get monthly one on one or group coaching to learn the way Jesus and Paul mobilized their people from the word go and see practical steps for what it looks like today.

Have you ever wondered why other people’s programs and ideas don’t work for your situation? You read their books, you buy their stuff, you attend their webinars, but what worked for them doesn’t work for you? Somebody was promising to hand you a fish. I want to teach you to fish. I want to train you to mobilize your team in a way that’s going to be unique to your congregation and team. Every time I’ve planted a church that multiplies, I’ve followed a few biblical principles that pop. I can’t even replicate my own actions, ministries, or direction, simply because every time I plant, I’m with a new group of people. But in one sense, I do the same things. I’d like to pass these on to you, but it’s going to take some time, and interaction between us.

Two Ways to Be Coached

If you are ready to be coached, you can choose the 1 on 1 format or you can choose to learn alongside others like you in a group format.

As you are coached 1 on 1 or with others, you will learn the way Jesus and Paul mobilized their people from the word go and see practical steps for what it looks like today.

  • A way to assess the gifts of those you lead.
  • A roadmap for how to multiply leaders.
  • A system of training leaders.
  • A paradigm for multiplying microchurches in your context.
  • An interactive review of your plan with coaching follow-ups.
  • Process your real-time challenges with Peyton on a monthly basis
  • Access to Peyton via text 24/7 for real-time advice in between sessions

Let's talk more about group coaching (for groups of 3+)

How many people have you been passing by, writing off, or ignoring completely? Will you be the one to change their lives forever? If so, consider participating in a cohort group facilitated by Peyton Jones, author of Church Plantology, Reaching The Unreached, and Church Zero. What is it? A year long cohort for church leaders for mobilizing your congregation to reach their community.

Our group coaching is 100% distance-learning and includes group sessions, coached triads, an optional individual coaching session, access to peer support and additional resources.

  • Assignments between sessions will focus on effective implementation

  • 30 minute individual intake session

  • 8 sessions covering a leader’s personal lifestyle and example

  • 6 sessions covering the congregational mobilization

  • 2 triad coaching sessions

  • 1 individual coaching session

Interested in Future Coaching Cohorts?

Send us a message to let us know what areas of coaching you'd be interested in and receive information about upcoming group coaching cohorts.

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What People Are Saying

“If you liked Peyton Jones’ latest book “Reaching the Unchurched,” accept the challenge to dive in and apply the principles in your ministry through a cohort that walks you through the steps of implementation as you journey alongside others. If you truly want to explore ministry in a postmodern, post-Christian world and shift toward engaging and reaching people where they are, this cohort is for you. Peyton knows what he’s doing… and this approach will make a difference both in the church and in the world.” Dr. Bob Logan – Author of The Missional Journey

"Being mentored by Peyton has been a great pleasure not only do you get knowledge from someone who has spent many hours learning and understanding and writing about best practices. But someone who has been in the weeds of church building and has experienced all kinds of situations has walked with us through each moment from the infancy of a church to the forming of a network of Churches that have allowed bi-vocational people to continue the message and mission of Jesus." – Mark Conroy, Coastal Church

Go all-in with your group

If you are ready to be coached, choose to learn alongside others like you in a group format. Costs are per month and require a six month commitment.

sittin people beside table inside room