The Book of Isaiah


The Book of Isaiah: A Foretaste of Redemption

Based on a seminary course taught by veteran church planter Peyton Jones, this online course will help you gain an understanding of one of the most important books of the Bible. The course is the perfect blend of succinct accessibility for the busy church planter and theological depth found in seminary training.

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Isaiah is the most quoted Old Testament book by New Testament authors, and with good reason! It provides a stunning foreshadowing of the redemption brought by Jesus. But more than that, Isaiah gives us a “why.” The book outlines the need for a savior just as much as it outlines the what is to come. The Book of Isaiah: A Foretaste of Redemption is a brief but powerful course that gets right to the heart of Isaiah’s place in scripture. 

If you are planting a church and want to gain a stronger theological foundation on the book of Isaiah, this course is for you! It is based an actual seminary course taught by Peyton Jones.


  • Lesson 1 – Introduction to Isaiah
  • Lesson 2 – Understanding the Historical World of Isaiah
  • Lesson 3 – Structure and Theology of Isaiah
  • Lesson 4 – Isaiah and His Message: Chapters 1-39
  • Lesson 5 – Isaiah and His Message: Chapters 40-66